Btox Premium 1000ml

Btox Premium” protein helps straighten the hair while providing it with the necessary nutrients, especially the essential oils for the hair, in addition to antioxidants, vitamins, and amino acids that help restore the hair protein from the inside and make it healthy and shiny.

“Btox Premium” deeply moisturizes the hair and helps it regain its vitality, making it smoother and detangling, making it easier to style while preserving it from the splitting and tearing that those with tangled hair suffer from.

Btox Premium also stimulates hair growth, so it is recommended for people who suffer from hair loss.

And because it is primarily a treatment product, “Btox Premium” consists of natural, non-chemical materials and oils that treat hair, and it is free of formaldehyde or other harmful substances.

Btox Premium also treats hair that has been chemically treated with dyes, and chemicals that cause hair damage and change its composition.



Btox Premium” protein helps straighten the hair while providing it with the necessary nutrients, especially the essential oils for the hair, in addition to antioxidants, vitamins, and amino acids that help restore the hair protein from the inside and make it healthy and shiny.

“Btox Premium” deeply moisturizes the hair and helps it regain its vitality, making it smoother and detangling, making it easier to style while preserving it from the splitting and tearing that those with tangled hair suffer from.

Btox Premium also stimulates hair growth, so it is recommended for people who suffer from hair loss.

And because it is primarily a treatment product, “Btox Premium” consists of natural, non-chemical materials and oils that treat hair, and it is free of formaldehyde or other harmful substances.

Btox Premium also treats hair that has been chemically treated with dyes, and chemicals that cause hair damage and change its composition.

The main ingredients of the group
– Coconut Oil

– Grape seed oil

– Almond oil

– Hydrolyzed Keratin

– Sesame oil

– Hazelnut oil

– Olive oil



Coconut Oil:
It moisturizes dry hair by penetrating it, giving moisture and a softer texture to the hair. It also moisturizes the scalp, which contributes to reducing dryness and itching. It promotes hair growth and increases its density, protects it from damage, reduces hair loss, and gives it a shinier appearance.

Coconut oil also penetrates the damaged hair and fills the voids in it, which prevents other substances from entering, thus preventing harmful chemicals from sticking to the hair and damaging it.

Coconut oil helps reduce hair loss and helps protect hair and prevent hair loss caused by excessive use of hair care products that cause damage to the proteins responsible for hair loss.

Coconut oil is very useful for oily hair and helps to get rid of the oils on the hair. It also contains moisturizing elements that help get rid of dry hair, maintain scalp moisture, protect hair from breakage, and reduce the incidence of dandruff.


Grape seed oil (Vitis vinifera seed oil):

It contains vitamins, antioxidants, and natural minerals that soften the hair strands, nourish and moisturize it, strengthen the roots and follicles, stimulate hair growth and help prolong hair, by stimulating the production of natural scalp oils and natural collagen, in addition to its great ability to fight dandruff. Grape seed oil helps treat dry and oily hair and dandruff.

Almond oil:
Almond oil nourishes, softens and strengthens the hair because it contains vitamin B7 or biotin, protein, omega-9 fatty acids, and vitamin E, which contribute to the hair’s softening smoother to the touch, and easier to comb.

It also contains a natural sun protection factor of 5, which means that it protects the hair from the sun’s harmful rays. and because it contains anti-bacterial and anti-fungal materials, almond oil treats the scalp from skin problems such as dandruff, moisturizes it, and cleanses hair follicles, in addition to treating hair damage, split ends, and wrinkling.

Almond oil helps strengthen hair and promote its growth because it contains vitamin E, a natural antioxidant that maintains hair youth and luster.

Creatine protein (hydrolyzed keratin):

It is a protein that makes up most of the hair fibers and is responsible for making the hair strong and healthy. It is also an excellent hair tonic that helps to rejuvenate damaged hair and gives it an attractive luster and luster. Hydrolyzed keratin is a large protein molecule that is broken down or “decomposed” into smaller particles through hydrolysis, It has the same amino acid structure as keratin produced naturally in the human body, and it penetrates the hair shafts to strengthen it, enhances hair moisture and elasticity, and is characterized by that it can repair damaged hair, and protects hair from the harmful effects of permanent bleaching (bleaching) and high heat resulting from the use of irons.

It helps stimulate hair growth and is beneficial for all hair types, especially curly and curly hair, and hydrolyzing proteins protect hair from chemical and environmental factors to prevent hair damage.

Sesame oil:

The fatty acids and vitamins in sesame oil prevent premature aging of hair follicles, retain the natural color of hair, contribute to restoring hair health, and fight premature hair loss.

Sesame oil helps in healthy hair growth, of its active role in encouraging blood circulation in the scalp, which contributes to rebuilding hair follicles and roots, as it penetrates the scalp and protects the follicles from chemicals used in hair styling.

Sesame oil also works to calm the scalp, especially those that suffer from damage due to the frequent use of blow dryers and hair irons, in addition to calming the itching caused by dry skin and dandruff. It also kills fungi that grow on the surface of the head and lead to itching and dandruff.

Sesame oil also forms a coating around the hairs along their length, to protect them from the scorching rays of the sun, specifically ultraviolet rays, and protect them from pollution and harmful environmental influences, in addition to moisturizing the hair and preventing it from drying out.

Hazelnut oil:

It provides the hair and scalp with the vitamins it needs to grow healthy and lively, and the fatty acids in it help protect and coat hair follicles, moisturize the hair, protect its ends from split ends, and increase the speed of hair absorption of nutrients.

Hazelnut oil delays the appearance of white hair because it contains vitamin E, fills hair spaces, limits and strengthens hair loss, treats the problem of baldness and hair loss, and promotes its growth.

Hazelnut oil helps protect hair from ultraviolet rays and external pollution harmful to hair, protects strands from dryness and split ends, reduces frizz, and gives hair density.

For dyed hair, hazelnut oil keeps the color of the dye longer than usual, and at the same time works to reduce the damage caused by hair dyes and reduces hair loss by strengthening the follicles.

Olive oil:

It is used for all types of hair, whether dry, greasy, thin, or falling hair, or hair that suffers from premature graying.

It helps to adequately moisturize dry hair from roots to ends, protects it from falling, helps treat brittle and stressed hair, because it contains vitamin E, preserves the natural keratin in hair, and treats dry hair damage that is caused using a hair iron, and other styling products.

For oily hair, olive oil is one of the best oils that strengthen its follicles, which keeps them from falling out, as it softens and moisturizes hair, gets rid of the problem of damaged and brittle hair facing oily hair, and helps to overcome most of the problems of oily hair.

For light hair, olive oil helps restore hair density, because it contains vitamin E, and supplies hair with omega 3, which works to strengthen and nourish light hair.

The use of olive oil helps to prevent the proliferation of white hair at an early stage of life, and the prevention of sunlight that affects the hair, causes the appearance of white hair at an early age, and helps to preserve the hair from exposure to early graying signs, and increases the secretion of a substance The natural melanin of the hair, this substance helps to maintain the natural hair color.

Olive oil is also the magic solution for hair falling because it contains vitamin E, which is one of the important vitamins that help prevent hair loss, in addition to many minerals that nourish hair, including zinc, magnesium, sulfur, and calcium, which helps protect hair from falling and helps in its growth. Poetry.

Btox Premium

How to use: Wash the hair well using a deep cleaning shampoo, then dry it at 80%, then divide the hair into four areas. Use a soft brush to apply the Brazilian protein – Btox Premium – to the hair strands, starting from the nape from the beginning to the end of the strand so that it is completely covered, then leave it for 60 minutes. Rinse hair well and dry it using a dryer. Straighten the hair strands using a hair iron until you notice the appearance of shine on the hair.

Precautions: Choose a braid of hair at the back of the head and do the previous steps step by step. Watch the application time to evaluate the smoothing result until the desired result is reached, which should not exceed 60 minutes. Check the resistance of the hair strands occasionally, by pulling the strands from the front. If the strand breaks, do not apply the product. Also, if you are not sure, do not apply the product. If irritation occurs, do not apply the product. Use gloves when using.

Warnings: Professional use. External use. Wear appropriate gloves. Do not apply if the scalp is irritated or infected. Do not use it on damaged strands. Keep it in a cool place, away from light and out of reach of children. This product should only be used for its intended purpose and is dangerous for any other use. Repeated applications can cause hair to break or change color. For use in pregnant or breastfeeding women, consult a physician first. Avoid contact with eyes. In case of contact with the eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water.


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